Amann Studios ™


Tonstudio – Christoph Amann


Magic I.D., The ‎– I’m So Awake / Sleepless I Feel

staubgold analog 4
– 2011 –

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Selected productions

  • JOHANNES KALITZKE – Story Teller . Figuren am Horizont

    Kairos – 0015038KAI – 2018 – Kairos Musik Artist(s): Johannes Moser, Ivana Pristasová, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, oenm.österreichisches ensemble für neue musik, Johannes Kalitzke Composer(s): Johannes Kalitzke Recording Date: 18 January 2017 (1-6), 9 May 2012 (7-11) Recording Venue: Haus des Rundfunks Berlin, Großer Sendesaal (1-6), Mozarteum Salzburg, Solitär (7-11) Release: June 2018 Final CD-Master: Christoph Amann

  • NIRMALI FENN – The Clash of Icicles

    Kairos – 0015055KAI – 2019 – Kairos Musik Catalogue No.: EAN Code: 9120040731960 Artist(s): Hong Kong New Music Ensemble Composer(s): Nirmali Fenn Recording Date: various Recording Venue: various Release: January 2019 Final CD-Master: Christoph Amann