Amann Studios ™


Tonstudio – Christoph Amann

Plasmic featuring Agnes Heginger ‎– Dr. Au

EKR 038
– 2009 –


Music – references by category

Online mastering – references by category

  • CD/Vinyl mastering
  • Downloadable audio formats
  • DDP creation/editing
  • Online delivery/ MD5 verification

Selected productions

  • Friedl / Zaboitzeff ‎– Rauch

    EX 770-2 – 2008 –  

  • Susanna Gartmayer – AOUIE Bass Clarinet Solos

    GOD 29 – 2015 – AOUIE is a series of pieces for Bass clarinet as an exploration of polyphonic sound universe. Within interaction of spatial and instrument sound, Susanna Gartmayer uses a variety of sounds to produce consistent work dealing with multiple dimensionality and simultaneity of acoustic events. This release is cooperation with Chmafu Nocords (CD and […]