Amann Studios ™


Tonstudio – Christoph Amann

live recording session #101

Samstag, 24.01.09[timed offdate=”2012mmdd”]

Ken Okami – light volume control system, fluorescent lights, electricity noises
Michael Fischer – feedback/saxophone

Paul Baran – prepared piano, objects, live electronics
Andrea Belfi – drum-kit, mixer, electronics
Werner Dafeldecker – contrabass, tape delay, electronic devices



KEN OKAMIS Konzert-Performances gehen von Reflexionen zu nicht-nationalen, abseits offizieller Repräsentationen auffindbaren, Imagines ‘realer’ ‘Orte’ aus. In seinen Kooperationen mit KünstlerInnen in Japan, Europe und den USA ist er interessiert an persönlichen Eindrücken von Städten, Landschaften, Orten, Gebäuden oder einfach Gegenständen. Wege, Hallen, Mauern, Graffiti, Trash, was auch immer, läßt er sich von seinen KooperationpartnerInnen zeigen oder fallen ihm bei seinen Fahrten zu ihm unbekannten Plätzen auf, die er als Ausgangspunkt für seine Installationen und Performances nimmt. Ken Okami arbeitet in Japan’s Performance Szene an Licht/Noise Installationen. Im Herbst/Winter 2008 wird er seine Arbeiten in Kooperationen aus den Bereichen Performance, Tanz, Literatur in Berlin, Paris, Amiens, Amsterdam und New York vorstellen. Die Shows werden gefilmt und im Rahmen einer Ausstellung in Japan gezeigt.­watch?v=0yCWObT-UAk&feature=related

MICHAEL FISCHER arbeitet an der Schnittstelle Improvisierte Musik/Neue Musik/Klangkunst an Saxophon, Radiostudiosetup, Violine, Orchesterconductions u.a. an der Sprachimmanenz von Klängen und deren Syntaktik; seit 1999 erforscht er das Feedback in Auseinandersetzung mit der Geschichte europ. Improvis. Musik, Neuer Musik, Elektroakustik, Free Jazz, Noise. Seine Arbeiten am feedback_saxophon /The Wire 2002/ waren an Orten wie dem MAK, Amsterdamse Hogeschool/Kunsten, 4KanalSoloPerformance für POL – Festiv. Neue Musik/Frankft., MediaArtFestiv. tussenLand/NL, Red Rose Club/London, Bimhuis/Amsterd., Kraakgeluiden+DNK, Het Bethanienklooster/Amsterd., Trytone/Amsterd., Urbanguild/Kyoto, SpecialColours/Tokyo, Festival Artacts, Konfrontationen, Kaleidophon, Izzven/Maribor, Club Mozg/Gdansk, Theatr Kana/Szczecin, Porgy&Bess, Fluc, Dampfzentrale/Bern, WIM/Bern… zuletzt Kooperationen u. a. mit Ito Atsuhiro, Daisuke Terauchi, Tamaho Miyake, Eileen Standley, Hilary Jeffery, Rozemarie Heggen, Burton Greene, Marcos Baggiani­m.fischer


There is a special collaboration bringing together the legendary Werner Dafeldecker, upcoming electro-acoustic superstar Andrea Belfi, and up and coming British sound designer, Paul Baran. The trio will perform a set, entitled “Tress-pass” that investigates musical intersubjectivity through Improvisational language and live electronics. And the show will include pieces from Paul Baran’s forthcoming album, entitled “ Panoptic” which is scheduled for an April release.

Bassist WERNER DAFELDECKER has led a distinguished career, and has been at the cutting edge of European Improv for nearly two decades with works that have spanned collaborations with Fennesz, Otomo Yoshihide, David Sylvian amongst many others. Currently based in Berlin, He divides his time playing with his groups Hammeriver and the critically acclaimed Polwechsel. He has just recently released a collaboration with Radian Drummer, Martin Brandlmayer, and Christian Fennesz, “ Until the old world is blown away and a new one is created”, which has received glowing reviews in the recent music press.­wernerdafeldecker

ANDREA BELFI has being playing drums since the age of 14. He later extended his creative parameters by enrolling to study Art in Milan. But the electro-acoustic music community took serious notice, when he released his debut album project Ned n 2, where sounds, textures were peiced together with astonishing precision.
In 2002 Belfi began a project titled Between Neck & Stomach, in which he attempted to turn a whole house into a musical instrument, by using sound vibrations to shake various items, such as pots, plates, and cupboards. This project resulted in a CD of the same name, released on the Häpna label.
His most recent album, Knots, which was released on Die Schachtel in 2008 and produced by Guiseppe Ielasi, further refined his experiments with Poly-rhythmic experimentation.­andreabelfi

PAUL BARAN was born in Glasgow . He released his limited edition first album in 2007, entitled “Evyll Suspections” which explored Historical narrative using electro-acoustic and improvisational settings. The music was a scattershot range of influences, taking in Scottish folk, Miminalist single channel electronics, American Modern Classical music and even David Lynch! He is currently finishing his second studio album in Vienna, set for release in April which will feature contributions from Keith Rowe, Werner dafeldecker, Rhodri Davies amongst many others.­paulbaran75



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