Amann Studios ™


Tonstudio – Christoph Amann


Sunday, 18.12.2016
[timed offdate=”20161218″]

  • 19:00 @amann studio – Neustiftgasse 68/23b, 1070 Wien
  • live stream from 19:15

Admission: 10.-/8.-


Sounds of the Ether – Plagdichnicht Records and Amann Studios present: NG CHOR GUAN (MY) and DORIT CHRYSLER (AT). An evening with two thereminists, recorded live at Amann Studio.

This event is in the spirit of the NY Theremin Society, co-founded by DC, and bringing together Thereminists of different genres and nationalities to present and exchange their musical ideas.
NG CHOR GUAN (MY) – Theremin


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photos provided by the artists


Ng Chor Guan is a Malaysian composer, creator, sound designer, active thereminist, improviser, educator, artistic director and co-founder of TOCCATA studio. His artistic vision is forward and transformative, featured works include: Space Age (2010-2013), a space-transformative interdisciplinary performance, and Mobile Phone Orchestra (2011), the latter a boundary-pushing performance that has been performed in Bristol, Napoli, Townsville, also in South Korea as part of the opening ceremony of the 7th global RCE conference organized by UNICEF.

An internationally acclaimed composer, Guan is part of OneBeat programme, initiated by U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Guan has also created original works and performed the theremin in more than 30 cities across the world in varying forms of collaboration. His notable interactions include improvisational sessions with Pina Bausch’s Tanztheatre Wuppertal (Germany), composer and performer for interdisciplinary performances with the Light Surgeons (U.K.), and as a music director and composer for Twilight – 30th anniversary festival of Dancenorth (Australia), recently won 2016 Australian Dance Award. His recent and ongoing project, ‘2020’, is a five years initiative with a focus on multidisciplinary performance featuring ideas of change and time travel.
Best known for her theremin style, composer/musician Dorit Chrysler also has a prolificrecording and performing career as a vocalist, guitarist, keyboardist, producer, and engineer. Making her professional vocal debut at Austria’s Opera House Graz at the age of seven, Dorit went on to form her first rock band at thirteen and began working towards her Master’s Degree in Music Science at eighteen.
After working and living in New York for several years, Dorit can draw back on live performances with Trentemoeller, Alex Hacke, Amon Tobin, Dinosaur Jr., Blonde Redhead, Marilyn Manson, Echo and the Bunnymen and many more. Her debut album „Best of“ will be re-issued on plagdichnicht records this year. By opening „Steirischer Herbst 2016“ in her hometown Graz, Dorit is back in Austria, at least for sometime.
This year dorit curated the festival #dame electric# featuring pioneer women in analog music for the ACF in NY. She is the founder of the NY theremin society and KidCoolThereminschool, performing at this year’s moogfest in NC, the Henry Ford museum in Detroit and at the Nanterre Amandiers Theatre in Paris. Her music is featured in the current HBO documentary “Going Clear”



Music – references by category

Online mastering – references by category

  • CD/Vinyl mastering
  • Downloadable audio formats
  • DDP creation/editing
  • Online delivery/ MD5 verification

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