Amann Studios ™


Tonstudio – Christoph Amann

Petra Stump, Heinz-Peter Linshalm – born to be off-road

ein_klang_records 015/016
– 2005 –

Music – references by category

Online mastering – references by category

  • CD/Vinyl mastering
  • Downloadable audio formats
  • DDP creation/editing
  • Online delivery/ MD5 verification

Selected productions

  • Christof Kurzmann – then & now

    – 2014 – Austrian musician & composer, curator, label-founder (charhizma), co-founder of the legendary Viennese bar for electronic music (Rhiz) with many releases/band/projects over the years, turned 50. A perfect time for a big multi-variant collection of his unreleased work: solos, duos, special collaborations, groups, for instance with B. Fleischmann, Ken Vandermark, Robert Wyatt Mats […]

  • Margareth Kammerer – Why Is The Sea So Blue

      mikron cd 26 – © 2013 – Mikroton Recordings Recording: Amann Studios Mixed by Valerio Tricoli and Christoph Amann, Mastering: Wernder Dafeldecker [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]